Monday, February 18, 2013

Reduce, Reuse, RECRAFT!

"Recraft is ending the inefficient use of nature resources in industries by designing and servicing water reuse systems that generate biodiesel."

I am extremely proud of our team! We did not make it to the finals but accomplished more along the way then we could have imagined....We actually have a business model now! This is only the beginning for Recraft and we are excited to continue our venture journey. Next steps....very unknown but starting to take shape.  Oh gotta love the ambiguity of startup life! Recraft is an amazing team with a big idea.  I can't wait to see what around the corner for us.

Reduce, Reuse, Recraft!

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! --how fine when more purpose can be identified and implemented for something! --way to go, "Recraft"!
