Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Beginnings

Graduation is a little more than a month away and I never really thought I could feel so many different emotions.  A part of me wants to crawl under a bench on the Diag and demand that I do not graduate. Part of me wants to jump on a plane and explore an unknown country. Part of me never wants to sleep so I can enjoy every minute of my college friends and go to our favorite places and party, drink, sing, and dance the time away! Part of me wants to put on my favorite country songs, sit by myself in a quiet room, or maybe a coffee house, and just think, and contemplate, and remember.  I have never been anxious, excited, sad, tired, happy, awake and scared at the same time.

It is interesting how people say the college years are the best years of your life.  I think they have been wonderful and terrible at the same time, but I would sure hope they aren't the best years.  I want my college to be a launching pad for years that are unthinkably better then what I have experienced thus far.  So much has happened up to this moment that I could have never even dreamed of when I was younger, that I can't wait to see what unfolds in the next decades.

At the moment the plans are to continue on with my own startup company called Recraft.  This company is only 5 months old but it has already morphed into a new create at least four times.  Right now I am comfortable where the business model is headed and I am excited to see what it morphs into next! It is scary being "unemployed" after four years of hard work and dedication to grades and tests, but I sure would not have it any other way.  I am proud of myself. I am proud that I did not let my type A personality stop me from doing something that I am afraid of doing.  One good thing is that I had failing.  I hate disappointing myself, and I have promised myself that even if this company does not continue on, I will not fail.  I will not disappoint myself and instead I will learn to move forward and find a new opportunity.  I am ready for my new beginning outside of the state street/south university walls and look forward to not knowing what will happen next.

1 comment:

  1. "Morphing" is very important --especially as nothing tends to remain the same! --an ability to welcome change! --is essential --no one is the same as they were at birth --mostly something good --but so. UNH can happen, even dumpling gestation --we are lucky to be born with wnatever disabilities we move have and/or acquire... "Birth" itself is a form of "new beginning" (but if a "beginning", isn't that "beginning" necessarily "new"?) --now to have an "old" beginning?

    I like your approach to "failure" --especially as a device, as a method for identifying "beginnings".
